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 Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches.

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Posts : 23
Join date : 2008-12-11
Age : 36
Location : Montréal, Québec, Canada

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Empty
PostSubject: Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches.   Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Icon_minitimeTue Dec 16, 2008 7:12 am

Well! Given the fact I do some art mehself, I figured I'd make myself a little niche here to post up some stuff. :3
Not that I've drawn much lately, but I'm gonna be working on that in the coming weeks and, hopefully, find some more inspiration to draw now that I've got a little less stress in life. =)

In the meantime though, enjoy some of my more recent works. Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. KhatsAwesomeEmote

Fursona art :

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Khats---ColourTest-Fix

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Khat---BeatUpTransB

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Shadows

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. MSN-DoYouFeelLucky

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Khats-ColouredProfilePic

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Khats---More-Face-Practice

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Sketchbook28092008-05

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Sketchbook28092008-03

My boyfriend and I's WoW characters.

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. WowCharSketches

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. WoW-SleepingTime

And my old City of Villains character :

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Sketchbook28092008-04

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. CoV--Khatsworth

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. CoVWIPDoodle2

And some random stuff!

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. ArchRandom-03

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. ArchRandom-01

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. ArchRandom-02

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. ShackThing

And wannabe-comic artist crap!

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Radd---Adventure

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. MSN---Radd---MrSqueakyClean

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. BGT-WillySaveUs

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. BGT-FeralRoll

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. MSN-ShortMemory

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. 3D---Of-Nachos-Gunpowder-and-Robots

And fooling around with Photoshop...

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Khats---FaceAnim1

That's all for now. I'll most more when I get around to scanning / digitally drawing anything new. :3
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Join date : 2008-10-22

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches.   Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Icon_minitimeWed Dec 17, 2008 7:07 pm

Ahh, memories. :B Those all still make me laugh.... Ok, MOST of them, but eh.
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Join date : 2008-12-11
Age : 36
Location : Montréal, Québec, Canada

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches.   Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 20, 2008 3:13 am

Gawd, it's been a while since I drew and posted anything.
Fffff, need to fix that!

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Khat--UnrustingNight
Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. MoarPractice

Just need to find myself s'more material/create s'more to work with. Drawing my own character over and over seems a bit... I dunno.
Bland? Repetitive? Hmm...
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Join date : 2008-10-22

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches.   Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Icon_minitimeSat Dec 20, 2008 6:30 pm

Draw me! it's enough of a challenge that I can't even make it remotely consistent. Sarcy tried, but she changes it like, every other doodle Razz
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Posts : 23
Join date : 2008-12-11
Age : 36
Location : Montréal, Québec, Canada

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches.   Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2009 8:37 pm

Alright, first new coloured work for the year!
Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Khat-2009-OutfitRedesign-FullC

One of two pics I intended to do to make a couple of revisions to my character's outfit.

Also... a request I've gotten. I believe S4League and Gurren Lagann are to blame for it.
Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. KhatSlashYoko

And my WIP sketch of the second outfit rework pic.
Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Khat-2009-OutfitRedesign

Last but not least, a short little strip of me and my boyfriend on WoW.
He has a tendency to get a little TOO much into things, but it's part of why I love him so. <3
Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. WoW-2009-RAAAGE

And we both thought the FFFF face was hilarious, so I cropped and coloured it for him.
Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. WoW-2009-RAAAGE-FFFFAvFB

And zat's all for now. :3
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Join date : 2008-10-22

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches.   Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2009 8:55 pm

Did I mention that sometimes your coloring hurts my eyes? It's that 2nd one down, but only cause the color's scribbled in. Otherwise, I really can't comment. Razz
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Join date : 2008-12-11
Age : 36
Location : Montréal, Québec, Canada

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches.   Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Icon_minitimeTue Jan 20, 2009 10:54 am

Sparrow wrote:
Did I mention that sometimes your coloring hurts my eyes? It's that 2nd one down, but only cause the color's scribbled in. Otherwise, I really can't comment. Razz

I blame it on being done on MSN. Razz
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Join date : 2008-10-22

Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches.   Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Icon_minitimeTue Jan 20, 2009 11:12 am

Indeed... Yes... Uh... Quite.
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Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches.   Khat's Art Dump - Industrial quantities of blotches. Icon_minitime

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