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 Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.

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Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Empty
PostSubject: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2009 3:54 am

Because I needed this here.

So yes. I watched two amazing movies that you peoples need to see: Six-String Samurai and Zebraman. Six String Samurai is like Lone-Wolf and Fallout having an illegitimate love-child. It's silly, it's awesome, but it has the Windmill men in it. I HATE THOSE GUYS. And Zebraman is this Japanese film about a 40-year old man who dresses up like a Sentai superhero from a long-canceled show, and ends up getting superpowers, fighting off aliens. It's epic. But don't be confused, these movies aren't 'good' in the normal sense, they're awesome. Be prepared for cheesy dialog and humorously bad writing. But that's all made up for how the movie presents itself.

So yeah, add obscure/old/occult movies that you think other people should watch. Also, I'd be willing to stream either of them if y'all would like to watch.
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PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2009 12:26 pm

I wish I knew some of these to add... I really do.
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Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2009 6:53 pm

watch Repo! The Genetic Opera...just because Paris Hilton is actually not too bad in it. Seriously, it's up there with Rocky Horror for nuttiness.
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Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeMon Jan 26, 2009 11:00 pm

PsychoKitten wrote:
watch Repo! The Genetic Opera...just because Paris Hilton is actually not too bad in it. Seriously, it's up there with Rocky Horror for nuttiness.

Oh my. I'll check it out, thanks. =3
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Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeTue Jan 27, 2009 12:11 am

You're welcome...the songs will get stuck in your head, I am warning you now x3
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PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeTue Jan 27, 2009 12:15 am

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzgpU25C6fg oh btw heres the trailer for anyone curious
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Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeWed Jan 28, 2009 1:58 pm

Deathtiger wrote:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzgpU25C6fg oh btw heres the trailer for anyone curious

Watched it last night, it was...pretty good. The writing could have been a lot better,but the soundtrack was great and the presentation was good.
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PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeWed Jan 28, 2009 4:21 pm

I'm trying to make the time to watch more movies, but still, I can't seem to get anywhere.
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PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeThu Jan 29, 2009 2:44 pm

Movies keep me sane. Don't worry Sparrow, I'm pretty sure I'll get you to watch a few when I visit you x3
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Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 30, 2009 5:20 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2009 10:55 pm

If anyone here is a MST3K fan, and you haven't seen Manos: The hands of Fate episode...I suggest you watch that one, good lord that is a horrible...I won't even say it's a movie, but you need to see it with the commentary, hilarious.
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PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2009 10:56 pm

Sukiyaki Western Django is a fun watch too..very silly, especially when Quentin Tarentino tries to be an asian cowboy.
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PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 05, 2009 7:53 am

^ Sounds jawesome.

I recommend The Life Aquatic, if you haven't seen it yet. It's so funny, yet really emotional. I almost cried, lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2009 3:28 am

Well, it's not one thats unheard. But Coraline in 3-D was fantastic. I highly suggest it.
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PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeTue Feb 10, 2009 8:40 am

Coraline was spectacular, but I wish I hadn't seen it in 3-D. :X It made me sick near the end because of the glasses. But otherwise that was a really beautiful show.
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PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeWed Feb 11, 2009 11:47 pm

Let The Right One In. A swedish vampire film with actual performances and a believable romance. Unlike some others that come out...*coughTWILIGHTcough* Probably one of the best horror films I have ever seen.
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PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitimeThu Feb 12, 2009 4:31 am

If you're really into Horror movies, skip Quarantine and find a copy of [REC]..probably one of the few films that have scared me out of my mind. ^^
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Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of.   Movies you "need" to see that no one's heard of. Icon_minitime

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